Monday 6 July 2015




Now holds on the 28th 0f August at the British Council Accra Ghana

As Nigeria and Africa continues to take the centre stage in the battle for the slices of its vast potentials by established and emerging economies globally, it has become imperative for regional and continental leaders to fashion out policies and strategies to harness the opportunities that are now open to the continent for the speedy revival of its regional economies.
 The PAN AFRICAN LEADERSHIP Summit seeks to bring together past and present African leaders, policy makers in Governments, industry giants, out standing entrepreneurs, CEOs , achievers in various fields of human endeavors, Media giants, foreign investors and others, to network, share ideas, strategies and create platforms that will turn around the development of the continent in all areas- finance agriculture, industry, commerce, entertainment, ICT, trade, infrastructure, branding, etc.
In the same vein the PAN AFRICAN MERIT AWARDS( PAMA ), honours outstanding Africans in various fields who have contributed massively to the growth of the African continent in their areas of competence, communities, various sectors of the economy and created platforms for development and growth.
  This year the event holds at the prestigious British Council Auditorium in Accra, the Ghanaian capital.  Accra’s choice is influenced by its new status as one of West Africa’s emerging cities as a destination for Investments and Tourism.
Anumber of remarkable Africans will be speaking on a number of topics at the summit.
Most of the topics weave round the essence of this year’s event, which is the promotion and growth of the Micro, Small and Medium scale enterprises in Africa.
  The success of the Asian Tigers and the growth of their economies even in then face of continuing global economic downturn is a pointer to Africa that a lot can be learnt from the success of China, India, Korea and a host of other Asian economies. While parts of Europe like Greece, Spain, Italy, Russia and some eastern European countries are not finding things rosy these Asian economies are waxing stronger.and are completely free from economic recession.
   The model where a large chunk of the economy revolves round cottage, small and medium enterprises has seen many of the Asian economies swim out of the doldrums and many have at almost zero level.
Bola Adeboye, the Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer of Nigeria Police Mortgage Bank, the Founder and Executive Chairman of Sparks School of Entrepreneurship, will be speaking on : Growing Small Enterprises to be the Fulcrum of Africa’s Economic Growth- The way forward .
  The keynote address will be by Dr. John Kuffour, the former Ghanaian President. The topic is : Taking a cue from emerging economies for Africa’s economic growth
 The realities of global economic growth points to the east Asian countries as the new world order especially for growing economies, since the west continue to exploit Africa for their selfish ends, without really giving back or interested in Africa’s true economic independence.


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