Friday 12 June 2015



By Adelaja Ekundayo

Love him or hate him, Governor Ayodele Peter Fayose has come to be in the annals of the Nigerian nation. For some he is an enigma, for others he is a stubborn rascal, while for some still, he is the devil incarnate. However no matter how you see him, the Governor of Ekiti State has been able to etch his name boldly in Nigeria's history books.
He has defied all odds and all obstacles placed in his path since he decided to run, once again, for the office of the no 1 citizen of the state that is known as the " Fountain of Knowledge". Perhaps the great contradiction in Ekiti is the largely rural and grassroots people who inhabit a state that is touted as having the largest number of professors in Nigeria. For the people of Ekiti, Ayo Fayose epitomizes the very essence of the land. He does not pretend to be anything but an Ekiti man, with their legendary stubbornness and fanatical love for traditions. His romance with his people stem from his unconventional approach to governance. 
While many urban dwellers of Yoruba stock, find it hard to comprehend, his little gestures of stopping on the way side to chat with the woman selling roasted corn and giving her some stipend to assist her business or his going to the beer parlour to chat with young men, is what endears him to the people. Barack Obama, has used this a lot in the US, where you see him visiting and buying burgers from McDONALDS, where the average American have their lunch. This gesture might look stupid to those who do not understand the act of governance, but it is such a big thing to the grassroots person that a man as high up as the governor can come down so low to their level.
Recently he rode on "okada" to declare open the state's assembly, followed by throngs of people. How endearing to the people. He also awarded contracts to the tune of N2billion to hundreds of carpenters in the state.A worthy venture considering the capital flight involved if it was awarded to a Lagos based contractor like his predecessor did. Imagine the spin off effect of this gesture in the economy of Ekiti state. 
Fayose continues to represent the very essence of true governance in Nigeria, where the leaders continue to loot and stay aloof from the led. 
That is why Ayodele Peter Fayose is our GRASSROOTS GOVERNOR OF THE YEAR.

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