Tuesday 9 June 2015


Africa continues to take the centre stage in the battle for the slices of its vast potentials by established and emerging economies globally, it has become imperative for regional and continental leaders to fashion out policies and strategies to harness the opportunities that are now open to the continent for the speedy revival of its regional economies.

 The Summit seeks to bring together past and present African leaders, policy makers in Governments, industry giants, out standing entrepreneurs, CEOs , achievers in various fields of human endeavors, Media giants, foreign investors and others, to network, share ideas, strategies and create platforms that will turn around the development of the continent in all areas- finance, agriculture, industry, commerce, entertainment, ICT, trade, infrastructure, branding, etc.

In the same vein the PAMA awards honours outstanding Africans in varuious fields who have contributed massively to the growth of the African continent in their areas ,

These are remarkable men and women who have impacted on others, communities, various sectors of the economy and created platforms for development and growth.

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